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Downton Abbey

  • Genre: Drama, Romance
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Runtime: ~ 68 mins.
  • Original release: 2010-2015
Plot summary

Lord Grantham sees his family heritage, especially the grand country home Downton Abbey, as his mission in life. The death of his heir aboard the Titanic means distant cousin Matthew Crawley, a Manchester lawyer, suddenly is next in line and accepts moving onto the vast estate with his even more modernist, socially engaged mother, who clashes with his lordship's domineering, conservative mother, the dowager countess. Marrying off the daughters is another concern. Meanwhile, the butler presides over a staff which serves the family, but also lead most of their entire lives in the servants' quarters, intriguing amongst themselves.

Season 1 thumbnail
Season 1

02 February 2018

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Season 2

05 August 2018

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Season 3

05 August 2018

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Season 4

05 August 2018

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Season 5

08 September 2018

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Season 6

09 September 2018
