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American Horror Story

  • Genre: Drama, Thriller, Horror
  • Country: United States
  • Runtime: ~ 52 mins.
  • Original release: 2011-present
Plot summary

American Horror Story is a horror series in which every season tells a different story. The first season is about a haunted house, and the family that has moved into it. The second season centres around an insane asylum and a man who is wrongly accused of murdering several women, including his wife. The third season tells the story of a coven of witches trying to figure out who their new "supreme" is. The fourth season is about a "Freak Show" and the lives of its performers. The fifth season is about the employees and guests at the Hotel Cortez, a building made as a secret torture chamber in the 1920s. The sixth season is about a farmhouse near Roanoke, North Carolina that is besieged by the ghosts of the infamous lost colonists and other strange happenings.

Season 1 thumbnail
Season 1

07 October 2017

Season 2 thumbnail
Season 2

07 October 2017

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Season 3

07 October 2017

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Season 4

07 October 2017

Season 5 thumbnail
Season 5

07 October 2017
