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Aqua Teen Hunger Force

  • Genre: Animation, Comedy
  • Country: United States
  • Runtime: ~ 12 mins.
  • Original release: 2000-2015
Plot summary

Three pieces of food - a shake, some French fries, and a meatball - form the Aqua Teen Hunger Force, a group of detectives splitting a house in South Jersey. They are Shake, the ill-tempered and cynical leader, Frylock, the intelligent and calm one who gets all the work done, and Meatwad, the dim-witted yet lovable comedic foil. Together, they try to thwart villains whom all seem to have some sort of connection to the evil Dr. Weird. That is, when they're not trespassing in their neighbor Carl's pool.

Season 1 thumbnail
Season 1

27 January 2018
