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RocknRolla thumbnail

03 Jun. 2018

Lenny Cole, a London mob boss, puts the bite on all local real estate transactions. For substantial fees, he's helping Uri Omovich, a Russian developer. As a sign of good faith, Omovich loans Cole a valuable painting, promptly stolen off Cole's wall. While Cole's men, led by the dependable Archie, look for the canvas, three local petty criminals, the Wild Bunch, steal money from the Russian using inside information from his accountant, the lovely Stella. Meanwhile, a local drug-addled rocker, Johnny Quid, is reported drowned, and his connection to Cole is the key to unraveling the deceits and double crosses of life in the underworld.

The Killing of a Sacred Deer thumbnail
The Killing of a Sacred Deer

09 May. 2018

After the untimely death of 16-year-old Martin's father on the operating table, little by little, a deep and empathetic bond begins to form between him and the respected cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr Steven Murphy. At first, expensive gifts and then an invitation for dinner will soon earn the orphaned teenager the approval of Dr Steven's perfect family, even though right from the start, a vague, yet unnerving feeling overshadows Martin's honest intent. And then, unexpectedly, the idyllic family is smitten by a fierce and pitiless punishment, while at the same time, everything will start falling apart as the innocents have to suffer. In the end, as the sins of one burden the entire family, only an unimaginable and unendurable decision that demands a pure sacrifice can purge the soul. But to find catharsis, one must first admit the sin.

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Happy Death Day

08 May. 2018

After a night of hard-partying and heavy-drinking, the self-centred college student and sorority sister, Tree Gelbman, wakes up on the morning of her birthday with a serious hangover in the dorm of a guy she can't recall his name. As Tree goes about her day, little does she know that everything that happens now or will happen during the course of the day, is a twisted déjà vu of a reality that repeats itself again and again, until her brutal murder at night by a masked madman. With every repetition, or better yet, resurrection, Tree gets a little bit closer to the identity of her unknown killer, however, figuring out who he or she may be, always ends up with Tree's death. Wake up, figure out the killer, die, repeat. After all, practice makes perfect.

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Annabelle: Creation

01 May. 2018

The manufacturer of dolls Samuel Mullins is a happy family man with his wife Esther and their daughter Bee, who dies after being hit by a car. Twelve years later, Samuel and his wife, Esther, welcomes a nun and six orphaned girls to his home. He tells that only a locked room (that belonged to Bee) and Esther's room would be off limits for the girls. The crippled girl, Janice, manages to sneak in Bee's room during the night and finds a doll locked inside a closet. After she plays in the room, she is haunted by an evil force. What has Janice unleashed in Bee's room?

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26 Apr. 2018

In an attempt to save the planet from the devastating effects of the extreme climate change, an eminent team of scientists led by Jake Lawson, manage to build a powerful and elaborate network of satellites known as the "Dutch Boy", to practically control the weather. However, when unexplained accidents and catastrophic weather malfunctions start to occur, it will be evident that what was invented to protect the Earth, has now become its nemesis, wreaking havoc with random attacks. Can Jake and his estranged brother, Max, stop the string of dysfunctions before a Geostorm -- an annihilating worldwide meteorological phenomenon - -obliterates mankind?

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Insidious: The Last Key

03 Apr. 2018

The parapsychologist Dr. Elise Rainier has nightmares with her childhood in New Mexico, where she lived with her brother Christian, her supportive mother Audrey and her father Gerald, who frequently beats her when she claims that she sees ghosts everywhere in the house. When the client Ted Garza calls Elise to ask for help since he is haunted since he moved to a house in New Mexico, Elise refuses the request since the address is the same house where she spent her childhood. However she changes her mind and accepts the job, and travels with her assistants Specs and Tucker to New Mexico where they will discover an evil entity in the house.

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The Boondock Saints

31 Mar. 2018

Irish brothers Connor & Murphy McManus live and work in Boston. Feeling that God's will to rid Earth from all human Evil was given to them as a mission, they set out to do their divine deed. A public outcry is never heard, and even FBI agent Paul Smecker, who follows their trace of bloodshed, admits that the boys are doing exactly what he secretly always has wished to happen. Risking their lives for their beliefs of Veritas (truth) and Aequitas (justice), the Boondock Saints are hyped by the public, for they are doing good, which only few dare to admit.

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31 Mar. 2018

A retired special agent named John Matrix led an elite unit and has left the armed forces to live in a secluded mountain home with his daughter Jenny. But now he is forced out of retirement when his daughter is kidnapped by a band of thugs intent on revenge! Unbeknownst to Matrix, the members of his former unit are being killed one by one. Even though Matrix' friend General Franklin Kirby gives Matrix armed guards, attackers manage to kidnap Matrix and Jenny. Matrix learns that Bennett, a former member of his Matrix' unit who was presumed dead has kidnapped him to try to force Matrix to do a political assassination for a man called Arius (who calls himself El Presidente), a warlord formerly bested by Matrix who wishes to lead a military coup in his home country. Since Arius will have Jenny killed if Matrix refuses, Matrix reluctantly accepts the demand.
