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Watch online "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989) in Full HD quality

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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie poster

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Release year
United States
IMDb rating
Action | Adventure
Steven Spielberg
Harrison Ford | Sean Connery | Alison Doody

Plot summary

Indiana Jones, famed adventurer and archaeologist acquires a diary that holds clues and a map with no names to find the mysterious Holy Grail, which was sent from his father, Dr. Henry Jones, in Italy. Upon hearing from a private collector, Walter Donovan, that the mission for the Holy Grail went astray with the disappearance of his father, Indiana Jones and museum curator Marcus Brody venture to Italy in search of Indy's father. However, upon retrieving Dr. Henry Jones in Nazi territory, the rescue mission turns into a race to find the Holy Grail before the Nazis do, who plan to use it for complete world domination for their super-race. With the diary as a vital key and the map with no names as a guide, Indiana Jones once again finds himself in another death-defying adventure of pure excitement.

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