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Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Mädchen Amick
Samantha, bring in a fIy swatter. There's a bug in my office.
can you see my underpants in my shoes?
They've had a running feud going for 50 years.
What about the standards of common decency and kindness?
you need extradition papers in order to get a statement from me.
But if it's good food you want, find a wider berth.''
I'm gonna stick his head in the gutter where it beIongs.
You appear to be fuIIy recovered from your recent setback.
And you need a subpoena from a judge.
when she had a bun in the oven.
parenthood is suddenIy so appeaIing.
Sweetheart, I can't see a thing in your shoes.
There's aIso the disturbing aIIegation as to your motive and your methods.
is a serious breach under any circumstance.
Am I under suspicion?
What about the standards of common decency and kindness?
I went in and I... I opened a can of tuna fish.
Now, unIess you gentIemen have that paperwork,
Lucky for me, I had my state prosecutor's badge with me.
In the meantime, I'II require that you surrender your gun.
I, Richard Tremayne, am a terribIe, crashing bore.
It's a mug's game, you know?
Major Briggs says there's a frying pan fuII of steeIhead trout out there
and agonize over the pain he had caused you.
I was badIy injure,
SchooI numb my buns. What about you?
I've ponder that same question continuousIy
I owe you one.
that she forgave him.
I regret to inform you of your suspension from the FBI.
Besides, she's curse.
and how I react is none of your damn business.
- I remind you. - What?
where he was wounded whiIe being arrest,
I admit to the border crossing.
I drag myseIf through the night.
Cooper, I suspect you know why I'm here.
Dougie's engage to be married to a babe.
HoId on, that was directIy reIated to a case we were investigating.
Great news. I quit smoking.
I've had nothing but respect for him since he arrive in Twin Peaks.
We were suppose to protect her.
Now, you better invite me to that wedding,
Your bravery is onIy exceed by the size of your heart.
I've broker tremendous deaIs for the CoIombian
And your cooperation wiII be usefuI and greatIy appreciate.
Now, when those steeIhead are running upstream,
Somehow James thinks it's his fauIt.
Besides, she's cursed.
Seems Iike the whoIe town is faIIing apart.
to be best friends forever.
You know, that's twice you saved my bacon, Audrey.
A rare combination, indeed.
So perhaps you can see why that, as a resuIt, I must say,
but it is dead wrong.
I Iook forward to hearing more about this White Lodge.
There's nothing quite Iike urinating out in the open air.
She was tied up inside.
I feeI guiIty enough about Iying to her about this hunting trip.
Your husband went so far as to drug you to keep his actions secret.
At a time Iike this, peopIe just naturaIIy come together.
Your husband feII victim to one of these Iong ago,
You ever need us, we'II be there.
And I wiII never Iet that happen again.
And I wiII never Iet that happen again.
Things too horribIe to teII our chiIdren.
Of course they do.
- WhiIe it's hot. - Oh, thank you very much.
I try to imagine him out there incarnate,
WeII, nothing beats the restorative powers of HanaIei Bay.
Long, dirty, disgusting hair.
There was a vague threat impIied. So I went and I took my gun.
There's aIso the disturbing aIIegation as to your motives and your methods.
with some of the most prestigious financiaI institutions in this country.
As we discussed, we're reaIIy eager to do business with you.
I've brokered tremendous deaIs for the CoIombian
and it's urgent?
I don't Iike the Iook of him. Too nervous.
when he was innocent and trusting.
and how I react is none of your damn business.
- You okay? - Yeah.
For the fifth time.
- I'm getting mad. - You want me to reIease you?
Fits him a IittIe tight.
that is in itseIf proper and IawfuI.
A rare combination, indeed.
Your husband went so far as to drug you to keep his actions secret.
And they made this very serious promise to each other,
...but aren't you dead?
Mrs. PaImer, there are things dark and heinous in this worId.
Crossing the border without contacting Canadian authorities