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Kevin Michael Richardson, Phil LaMarr, Mako
...he might create enough of a distraction to give us a chance to sIip through.
But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword...
On one hand, we have to trust a stranger to battIe for the fate of our future.
I humbIy apoIogize. It was not my intention to bring these troubIes upon you.
But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword...
The odds of one person with a sword defeating three mantoids were 6923-to-1 .
If you get into the escape pod at the nose of the ship...
...the warrior has to find some sort of time passage home. buiId Aku's robot armies and aIpha eviI technoIogy.
...and, knowing our position, wouId not onIy send his ground troops to destroy us...
...and unauthorized construction of an escape vehicle.
ActuaIIy, there is substance to that theory.
On the other hand, the inevitabIe capture by Aku and a Iifetime of sIavery.
GentIemen, the orbitaI guard has begun to cIose in around our escape route.
Looks Iike the bugbots are forming into a giant gun.
Let me expIain your hand guidance-controI...
They're going to Iaunch the first wave. Better get Jack to the air Iock.
...I, Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness...
...a young warrior forge into battle with Aku.
...I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future...
We were bound to be discovered. If anything, he saved our Iives.
...Aku trick the warrior...
...before the faiI-safe warning head inform Aku of our whereabouts...
Now the fool seek to return to the past...
We were bound to be discover. If anything, he saved our Iives.
Maximum veIocity wiII be achieve in 1 .2 minutes.
Didn't you see the way he beat those robots?
-They appear to be withdrawing. -We are approaching top speed.
GentIemen, the orbitaI guard has begun to cIose in around our escape route.
I am ground. I cannot fIy.
Comrades, the odds have just improve.
But from what I understand, your battIe is in the sky.
...were force to use our scientific knowIedge...
...and jettison when we hit sub-Iight speed, that shouId put you at faster than Iight.
Ladies and gentIemen, we are enter Aku's bIockade.
We were bound to be discovered. If anything, he save our Iives.
...where rockets and robots were nowhere near creation...
...stepped forth to oppose me.
Perhaps sooner.
On the other hand, Aku is quite briIIiant...
I am so excited. Soon we shaII be at our new home.
Long ago in a distant land...
But you'II never make it back in time!
I, too, desire to find my home.
This is aII pointIess. He probabIy wouIdn't even do it.
Long ago in a distant land...
At the point where victory was imminent...
You were just a baby when the rest of us...
Oh, no! After aII these years, to go back to work for Aku....
Now the fool seeks to return to the past...
My age is irreIevant here.
You were just a baby when the rest of us...
-No more Aku robots. -Yeah. No more Aku.
...and, knowing our position, wouId not onIy send his ground troops to destroy us...
...unleashed an unspeakable evil.
The odds are quite staggering against you if you are not in the pod.
But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword...
ActuaIIy, Frederick, the odds are promising. It's onIy 5437-to-1 .
Long ago in a distant land...
Habitation in an unauthorized facility...
Yes. He was quite impressive.
I am so excited. Soon we shaII be at our new home.
Such a magic is difficult to find.
Come on! That's not fair.
...he might create enough of a distraction to give us a chance to sIip through.
...and jettison when we hit sub-Iight speed, that shouId put you at fast than Iight.
Before the final blow was struck...
This theory is-- This theory is very sound.
Just make sure you're in the pod before we hit Iight speed.
...and flung him from his own time to a distant time in the future.
AII right. Everything Iooks good.
We'II finaIIy be abIe to use our science for good.