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Watch online "Allied" (2016) in Full HD quality

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Allied movie poster
Release year
Romance | Thriller

Plot summary

In 1942, during the World War II, the Canadian spy Max Vatan goes parachuting to the French Morocco to meet the French spy Marianne Beauséjour that is posing of his wife in Casablanca. Their mission is to assassinate the German Ambassador in a reception. They live together for a couple of days and soon they fall in love with each other. When Max returns to his base in London, he brings Marianne and marries her. One year later, they have the baby daughter Anna during a bombing. One day, Max is summoned for a meeting in the feared V Section with his commander officer Frank Heslop and a secret service agent that tells that they suspect Marianne is a German Spy. Further, they will give a fake order to him to confirm whether Marianne is a spy or not. If she is, Max shall execute his beloved wife; otherwise they will be both executed. What will Max do?