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Watch online "Jungle Beat: The Movie" (2020) in Full HD quality

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Jungle Beat: The Movie movie poster

Jungle Beat: The Movie

Release year
United Kingdom
IMDb rating
Adventure | Animation | Family
Brent Dawes
David Menkin | David Rintoul | Gavin Peter

Plot summary

Jungle Beat: The Movie is a charming, family friendly adventure of epic proportions. One morning, the animals of the jungle wake up to discover that they can speak. They're even more amazed when they learn the reason why: There's an alien in the jungle. Little FNEEP has come to conquer the planet and has brought some crazy tech with him, including a translation device that lets them talk for the first time. Unfortunately for the intergalactic Scaldronian empire, but fortunately for the jungle, Fneep is a terrible conqueror: He's homesick, he's crashed his ship, and he's no match for the antics of MUNKI, TRUNK and the gang. Our heroes won't let a little alien conquest get in the way of a good time or a new friend. As the animals help him on his journey home, he learns that friendship could be the greatest force in the universe. But is it a match for a spaceship full of aliens?

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