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Watch online "Warm Bodies" (2013) in Full HD quality

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Warm Bodies movie poster

Warm Bodies

Release year
United States
IMDb rating
Comedy | Romance | Horror
Jonathan Levine
Nicholas Hoult | Teresa Palmer | John Malkovich

Plot summary

With much of the world's population now an undead horde, R is a young and oddly introspective zombie. While fighting with and feeding on a human scavenger party, R meets Julie and feels an urge to protect her. What happens next is the beginning of a strangely warm relationship that allows R to begin regaining his humanity. As this change spreads through the local undead population like a virus, Julie and R eventually have to face a larger issue when the very nature of their friendship is challenged. Caught between the paranoid human forces and the ferocious "Bonies", zombies who are a mutual threat, R and Julie must find a way to bridge the differences of each side to fight for a better world no one thought possible.

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