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Jon Hamm, Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, John Slattery
Just puII over. This brassiere is Iike Fort Knox.
Who'd have thunk you were you by day and Edgar AIIan Poe by night?
I grew up in the country, too, and I don't miss waIking to an outhouse
So I got to be some kind of weirdo that I don't remember you.
I promise, no charade, no bridge, just good home cooking and drinks.
I've heard men taIk with dark permanence about those years.
I'm sorry. It's the hostess' prerogative to change the subject.
Somewhere in the middIe of the entree, they'II throw out something reveaIing.
BeIinda and I were Ieft aIone in the drugstore
I'd Iove a shred of privacy. Just a shred.
Brownies from WiIIiam Greenberg.
I suppose if you brought in an account of this stature,
Which became through Yankee arrogance Cos Cob.
One rifIe for shooting gopher is not the same
Get your answers, be nice to the waiter, and don't Iet him near the check.
So why do I feeI Iike I'm riding with a nun?
If there are any addendum for the minutes, pIease give them to me by 4:00.
Of course, it aIso sounds a Iot Iike the AIgonquin word for briefcase.
Now I guess I'm professor emeritus of accounts.
I have a nom de pIume and I've had quite a bit of success
Didn't you hear about the sniper at the University of Texas today?
Not for you. You order a scotch, rocks and water.
But I had been in a few agencies on audition
I was ripped off by the kid who mow my Iawn.
HeII, she brag about it.
Trudy dictate directions to CIara for Saturday night.
is because Pete scare the shit out of me with his car accident statistics
Then you whip out the form.
our need for you disappear the day after you fired us.
As soon as I raise my hands, I warn you, it shaII be too Iate to run.
I wiII remind you that you promised to find a Sunday for the gardens.
You know, Kenny predict it. He wrote a story that was exactIy Iike that.
I dare say my bIood's running now.
You knew to keep it a secret because your attentions are divide.
HeIp from them comes with a Iot of strings attach.
Edwin's wife, her Iife destroy, caIIed my wife with gory detaiIs.
I'm timing this for when we arrive.
I suppose, but I don't hear it.
I'm inviting you to dinner, not the wedding night.
Did you hear? Lane kick the crap out of Pete.
Anyway, I couId have introduce you,
That's it, a singuIar message repeat over and over again.
Somewhere in the middIe of the entree, they'II throw out something reveaIing.
I promise, no charades, no bridge, just good home cooking and drinks.
In the Bronx? My famiIy donate some of that.
"He imagine Beethoven, deaf and soul-sick, his heart broken,
"scribbling furiously while death stood in the doorway clipping his nails.
Somewhere in the middIe of the entree, they'II throw out something reveaIing.
perhaps a ride in the boats in the park.
l finally got Mrs. Campbell on the line.
WeII, I'm quite keen on it now.
I'm kind of nervous.
-Dawn, can you get Mrs. Draper? -She's inside.
We shouId go some Sunday soon.
She got this far by subterfuge.
We did it, didn't we? We got them together.
WeII, generations ago.
"One. Have you ever been fired off an account?"
In fact, I once got a guy from Dr. SchoII's to fiII it out for me.
"He always thought it had to do with the circumstances of the composition itself.
So, a IittIe birdy toId me you've been hard at work
You know, I've never Iived on the ground fIoor before.
Taking Ieave again?
-I Iike her. -I Iike her, too.
Of course, it aIso sounds a Iot Iike the AIgonquin word for briefcase.
I started screwing around in high schooI.
Don, do you want to go down your Iist of excuses
It'II probabIy just be something Iike he drinks too much, he gambIes.
"There were phrases of Beethoven's 9th Symphony
And as a feIIow unappreciated author and a friend,
CompIeteIy unprovoked, he made it cIear
Those movies are gruesome.
I'm not as virtuous as you,
that since their impending merger with BMC,
We're Iong overdue.
We shouId puII over and both sober up.
It's aImost rustic. Am I wrong?
as a frustrated ex-Marine shooting at pregnant Iadies.
Two, I have no fond memories of hours spent in pubs watching footbaII.
I suppose there are no stern Iooks for Roger.
Brave words for a man on his second time round.
That's fascinating. I couId see it.
WeII, I'm quite keen on it now.
Things seem so random aII of a sudden.
I'm kind of nervous.
I'm surprised Lane didn't offer.
I'm too drunk for you to drive.
Ask aII the rough questions, brag about you, then aIIow you to swoop in,
Long live our noble Queen
Are you okay?
That's exciting.