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Lost in Space » Season 1 » Infestation


Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins


Plot summary

In a flashback, Smith is revealed to be June Harris, the older, ex-con sister of Jess Harris, a successful businesswoman. Jess gives June her entire estate as she is leaving Earth on Resolute. June drugs Jess and removes her subcutaneous Jupiter ID chip and assumes her sister's identity. Aboard Resolute, Jess' married lover realizes June is an impostor. He attempts to subdue her and during a struggle, he becomes trapped in an airlock and is blown out into space when June deliberately fails to override the system. June's actions are caught on a security camera. She is arrested but escapes during the robot's attack. In the present, Maureen explains they are trillions of miles from Earth, but thinks there could be a way to return. At night, the ice layer over Jupiter 2 cracks, endangering the ship. They rush to complete repairs, but the engines are losing fuel. When Will and the robot discover large eel-like creatures in the conduits, the robot locks Will, along with Smith, in the storeroom for Will's protection, refusing to release them. John captures and kills a creature and gives Maureen the carcass to study: the creatures are consuming the fuel. While locked in the storeroom, Smith suggests that the robot responds to Will's emotions rather than his commands. While in the storeroom Will instructs the robot to never hurt anybody. The glacier shifts, which forces the crew to make an emergency take-off after flushing the eels from the engines. They escape with just enough fuel to land near a forest region. Comms pick up radio communication from other Jupiter survivors and also from Resolute, who are searching for survivors. Later, it is revealed that the robot hacked the 3D printer to make a gun for Will to protect himself from the robot. He hides the gun under his mattress, unaware Smith is watching.

Words to remember

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