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Watch online "A Bug's Life" (1998) in Full HD quality

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A Bug's Life movie poster

A Bug's Life

Release year
United States
IMDb rating
Adventure | Animation | Comedy
John Lasseter | Andrew Stanton
Kevin Spacey | Dave Foley | Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Plot summary

At an annual pace, a huge colony of ants is forced to collect every piece of food that grows on their island for a group of menacing grasshoppers. But that all changes when a misfit inventor ant named Flik accidentally knocks over the offering pile thus forcing the grasshoppers' devious leader Hopper to force the ants to redo their gathering of food. Despite the fact that his friends don't believe him and desperate to help save the colony, Flik volunteers to go out into the world and search for a group of 'warrior' bugs. Instead, what he got was a talented group of circus performers. But when the grasshoppers return and take control of the island, Flik must prove himself a true hero before it's too late.

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