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Watch online "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) in Full HD quality

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Million Dollar Baby movie poster

Million Dollar Baby

Release year
United States
IMDb rating
Drama | Sport
Morgan Freeman | Clint Eastwood

Plot summary

Wanting to learn from the best, aspiring boxer Maggie Fitzgerald wants Frankie Dunn to train her. At the outset he flatly refuses saying he has no interest in training a girl. Frankie leads a lonely existence, alienated from his only daughter and having few friends. Maggie's rough around the edges but shows a lot of grit in the ring and he eventually relents. Maggie not only proves to be the boxer he always dreamed of having under his wing but a friend who fills the great void he's had in his life. Maggie's career skyrockets but an accident in the ring leads her to ask Frankie for one last favor.