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Watch online "The Disaster Artist" (2017) in Full HD quality

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The Disaster Artist movie poster

The Disaster Artist

Release year
United States
IMDb rating
Comedy | Drama | Biography
James Franco
James Franco | Dave Franco | Ari Graynor

Plot summary

In the 1990s, Greg Sestero is an aspiring actor, who meets the strange Tommy Wiseau in an acting class. Together, Tommy inspires Greg to overcome his nervousness in acting so well that Greg agrees to come to Los Angeles with his odd new friend to pursue their dreams. However, their dreams seem to prove hopeless, especially for Tommy whose mysteriously strange accent and personality repels nearly all around him. Out of an inadvertent suggestion from Greg, Tommy is inspired to instead create his own movie, The Room (2003). What follows is a bizarre struggle to create that film, guided by Tommy, a man who has plenty of money, but not a trace of filmmaking education, experience, talent or even common sense. Along the way, Greg's friendship with Tommy is put to the test as this project takes shape that would produce a film that ultimately becomes a bizarre accomplishment of a cult classic nature that no one, including Tommy, can see coming.

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