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The Leftovers » Season 1 » Gladys


Justin Theroux, Amy Brenneman, Christopher Eccleston


Plot summary

Gladys, a devout member of the Guilty Remnant, is brutally stoned to death. As the rest of the GR goes on lockdown, Patti takes Laurie to a diner and tests her faith. As Kevin investigates Gladys' murder, he resists pressure to hand the case over to the ATFEC whose remit apparently has expanded in the wake of the Sudden Departure. While calling them to cancel a Federal inquiry, he learns that he has the option to let the government simply exterminate Patti's chapter of the GR. Reverend Jamison holds a vigil outside the GR's safe house, but is personally rejected by Laurie.

Words to remember

Next episode


02 May 2018

