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Lost in Space » Season 1 » Pressurized


Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins


Plot summary

Driving back to Jupiter 2, Don and Judy discuss Smith. When Judy radios home, Smith answers. Judy implies that she knows the truth about Smith, but Don stops her before she reveals more. Smith tries to displace blame for Angela's rage by supposedly missing the warning signs. Maureen finds a watermark on the gun belonging to their 3D printer, so Will confirms the robot made it. As Will had hidden the gun under his bed, his parents suspect everyone else in the camp; Smith deflects suspicion to Victor. While driving, John and Maureen escape a geo-phenomenon but while reversing at speed and up stuck in a tar pit into which the vehicle slowly submerges with John and Maureen trapped inside. While trapped, John opens up about his choices leading to their departure, and Maureen admits to altering Will's failed test results to bring him on the mission. To escape the vehicle, Maureen uses the helium weather balloon to create a shielded path to the surface. Meanwhile, Smith locates the destroyed robot, collecting parts and assuming it will then reassemble and be subservient to her. It does not selreassemble. Don's group detours through a dangerous geyser patch after another quake, but the fuel tanker malfunctions. Evan manually fixes the problem, but a geyser arruption flips the tanker on him. Victor wants to save the fuel. Don makes a moral choice to free Evan, spilling some of the fuel; shortly after, Evan dies while en route to base camp. Back on Jupiter 2, while Penny helps Will recover from having the robot walk off the cliff and 'die', Smith reviews Will's logs to find a frequency that reactivates the robot. When Victor returns home, Vijay tells him about the planet's coming demise. Victor decides to lift off.

Words to remember

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