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The Leftovers » Season 1 » Penguin One, Us Zero


Justin Theroux, Amy Brenneman, Christopher Eccleston


Plot summary

When an ATFEC (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, and Cults; formerly the ATF) team attacks Holy Wayne's hideout, Tommy kills somebody for the first time in order to protect Christine's life. Meg has been living at the GR residence for weeks and becomes frustrated at her apparent lack of progress into their ranks. Following his night shooting dogs with Dean, Kevin's stability is questioned by his deputies and Lucy. He later visits his institutionalized father when he himself feels his sanity unraveling. Tommy's guilt is exacerbated by his growing animosity towards Wayne. Jill, Aimee and the twins spend the day following Nora after Jill spots a gun in Nora's purse.

Words to remember

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