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The Leftovers » Season 1 » Guest


Justin Theroux, Amy Brenneman, Christopher Eccleston


Plot summary

Nora calls an escort service to her house who is instructed to shoot Nora while she wears a kevlar vest. Kevin and Nora have an interaction in the Mapleton courthouse. Nora attends a departure related conference in New York City as a panelist and discovers someone is impersonating her on her panel. Searching for her badge, she wanders the hotel, eventually ending up at an exotic party where she makes out with a departure replica. In the morning, Nora is woken and kicked out of the hotel due to the impersonator, about which management does not believe her story. She creates a fake replica badge and goes back to the hotel for her panel where she is caught by security who wants to kick her out. Instead, they escort Nora to the panel discussion where a woman is in her panel seat with her badge. Confronted by Nora, the impersonator rants to the crowd that the DSD is a fraud before being promptly kicked out. Nora then encounters Holy Wayne, who explains her obsession for pain and then uses his hug on her, seemingly purging her anxieties. When she returns home to Mapleton, Kevin arrives and asks her out, to which she happily agrees.

Words to remember

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