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GLOW » Season 1 » Live Studio Audience



Plot summary

As the ladies gear up for their first show on Friday, Sam and Bash argue over production costs, especially after Sam's camera was stolen. In order to make the best possible main event, Ruth and Debbie begin training with Carmen's brothers. Meanwhile, Sam discovers that Rhonda found his camera in her locker, but he knows that Justine was trying to frame her. On the night of the show, Carmen experiences stage fright and passes out after leaving the gym. The scheduled tag team match goes awry when Dawn and Stacey wear Ku Klux Klan outfits in the ring. After coming to, Carmen discovers that Bash has been cut off financially by his mother after spending over $600,000 on developing GLOW. Debbie and Ruth's training pays off as they both get over the crowd on their main event, but Debbie suddenly walks out of the match when she sees Mark and argues with him backstage before he hands her the divorce papers. Rhonda saves the show by getting the other ladies to rap with her in the ring.

Words to remember

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