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GLOW » Season 1 » The Liberal Chokehold



Plot summary

While most of America is focused on the TWA Flight 847 hijacking, K-DTV executives present Sam and Bash the timeslot for GLOW (following Dr. Gene Scott, a 1970s staple of KHOF-TV), but Sam discovers that Bash is strapped for cash. In order to raise the $9,000 to secure the venue, the ladies host a bikini car wash at the motel. When they collect only $287 and change from their car wash, Bash brings them to his mother's anti-drug charity event to speak as former drug addicts using wrestling as a reformation tool. Their act convinces Bash's mother to allow them to use their ballroom at the Hayworth Hotel. Meanwhile, after confiding with Justine over his failed projects, including the loss of the venue reservation, Sam discovers that she is his illegitimate daughter.

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