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The Grand Tour » Season 2 » Jaaaaaaaags


Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, Mike Skinner


Plot summary

The presenters head to the area around Grand Junction, Colorado, staying at the Gateway Canyons Resort & Spa, and eventually travelling to Telluride, Colorado with a variety of old Jaguar cars to establish the manufacturer's reputation for reliability with Clarkson buying an XJR, May taking an XK8 convertible and Hammond bringing a Mark X. During the course of the trip the cars are driven around a dirt track (where Hammond's car is badly damaged, and is replaced by an XJ6), along the runway at Telluride Regional Airport, (where May's car is destroyed, and is replaced by an XJS) and down the slopes of the Telluride Ski Resort. At Hanging Flume overlook, Clarkson experiences a traffic stop by a Mesa County police officer and reads the "Her Britannic Majesty" text from his British passport. Despite Clarkson's car being the best, May admitting his car had poor brakes deemed the challenge pointless. The presenters discuss the annoyance of Firemen cutting the roofs of cars in Conversation Street. Kiefer Sutherland beats Luke Evans to become "the fastest actor with a middle name of George".

Words to remember

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