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The Grand Tour » Season 2 » Past, Present, or Future


Jeremy Clarkson, James May, Richard Hammond, Mike Skinner


Plot summary

The tent is now in the Cotswolds and will remain there for the duration of the series. To determine whether the past, present, or future of motoring is best, the presenters visit Switzerland with Clarkson in a petrol powered Lamborghini Aventador S representing the past, May in a hybrid powered Honda NSX representing the present, and Hammond in an all-electric Rimac Concept One representing the future. After starting at the top of the Gotthard Pass, Hammond brings the trio to a stay at the Park Weggis health retreat and visit the Swiss Museum of Transport and other museums in Lucerne close to a charging station for the Rimac car. May and Clarkson reject this and go to a hill climbing race at Hemberg instead. As Clarkson cannot fit into the Aventador whilst wearing a mandatory racing helmet, Clarkson sends a Lamborghini test driver in his place, thus setting the fastest time of all three. Hammond crashes after completing the course, destroying the Rimac in a fire. Footage taken from YouTube shows the wreckage being extinguished and Hammond being airlifted by the Swiss Air-Rescue (REGA) to hospital. The presenters discuss some inapropriate new features within cars on Conversation Street. Celebrity Brain Crash is replaced by Celebrity Face Off, in which Ricky Wilson beats David Hasselhoff to determine who the "fastest former talent show host" is.

Words to remember

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