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The Expanse » Season 1 » Windmills


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

During a visit to Holden's co-op parents' house in Montana, Avasarala learns of Holden's troubled childhood and gains some insight into his recent decisions. On their way to Eros, the crew of the Rocinante realize too late that Kenzo, a spy from Tycho station is on board and has inadvertently gotten the attention of a Martian patrol. Kenzo helps obtain the MCRN codebook from the ship's safe, and with a few code words the patrol backs off, believing the Rocinante to be a Martian black ops ship. Miller departs Ceres for Eros, with a new piece to the mysterious puzzle surrounding Julie Mao.

Words to remember

Next episode


16 June 2018

