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The Expanse » Season 1 » CQB


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

On Ceres, Miller identifies the dead "Nightbandit31" as Bizi Betiko, a data broker with an implanted, encrypted memory storage device, only to discover the real Betiko is still alive. In the asteroid belt, the Donnager's pursuers reveal themselves as six ships of the type that had attacked the Canterbury, and begin firing torpedoes. Unexpectedly at a technological disadvantage, the Martian ship takes heavy damage, and Shed Garvey is killed by a railgun shot. As the Donnager is being boarded, the surviving Canterbury crew are evacuated on the Martian captain's orders, narrowly escaping aboard a frigate from Donnager's bay immediately before the Donnager self-destructs to avoid capture. Far from the battle, at Tycho Station, where a massive generation ship, the Nauvoo, is being built at the behest of the Mormon Church, station manager, and leader of the OPA, Fred Johnson turns the Nauvoo's sensors towards the battle.

Words to remember

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