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The Expanse » Season 1 » Remember the Cant


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

Holden's broadcast triggers protests on Ceres, with the OPA blaming Mars for the destruction of the Canterbury. In the course of violent riots, Miller's partner Havelock is attacked, almost fatally, and a man with the handle "Nightbandit31", with whom Mao was in contact, is killed. On Earth, Avasarala tests her theory that Mars was behind the attack by leaking to Mars information about the transfer of Martian stealth technology to the OPA. She deduces from the panicked Martian reaction that Mars was not responsible – but that somebody else wants to start a war. Aboard the Martian warship Donnager, the Canterbury's survivors are detained and questioned, with Nagata in particular being suspected of being part of an OPA sleeper cell. Complicating matters further, an unidentified ship flies towards the Donnager, ignoring all requests to divert or identify itself.

Words to remember

Next episode


16 June 2018

