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The Expanse » Season 1 » Salvage


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

The Rocinante arrives at their true destination, an asteroid at coordinates given by Fred Johnson and discovers the Anubis, the stealth ship that had destroyed the Canterbury. It is empty except for a mysterious, spreading, organic substance that covers the ship's reactor. They scuttle the stealth ship, then head to Eros to find a survivor of the Scopuli code-named Lionel Polanski, who escaped the Anubis on its shuttle. Miller is also tracking down Polanski, identifying her as Julie Mao. Arriving at Eros, Holden and his team are ambushed at the hotel where Polanski is staying by a UN black ops team (signaled by Kenzo, and authorized by Errinwright), but are saved by Miller. After joining up, Holden's team and Miller go to meet Julie Mao only to find her already dead, infected by the same substance from the Anubis.

Words to remember

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