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The Expanse » Season 1 » Leviathan Wakes


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

The Rocinante crew, Miller and Holden (suffering from radiation sickness), make their separate ways through the increasingly horrific situation on Eros towards the ship. They theorize that the conspirators behind the stealth ships are using the population as food for the "protomolecule" infection. Miller begins to see hallucinations of Julie Mao. Amos kills Miller's friend, Inspector Sematimba, after he holds Nagata at gunpoint when she refuses to launch the Rocinante without Holden. Miller and Holden make it to the ship, which escapes, and are treated for radiation sickness. On Earth, Avasarala's investigation is stopped by Errinwright, who is part of the Mao conspiracy. On Eros, the UN spy Kenzo is left to be consumed by the rapidly advancing Protomolecule infesting the colony.

Words to remember