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The Expanse » Season 1 » Back to the Butcher


Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper


Plot summary

For lack of options, the Canterbury's survivors accept a proposal by OPA leader Fred Johnson to join him at Tycho Station, and with his help they modify the ship's transponder, renaming their salvaged ship the Rocinante, to hide the fact it's a Martian warship. A flashback shows how Johnson became "The Butcher of Anderson Station" eleven years ago: as a UN Marine colonel, he led an assault on a station occupied by protesting miners, killing all despite their attempts at surrender. On Ceres, Miller finds evidence linking Julie Mao to the OPA, who try to recruit him through their local agent Anderson Dawes. While leaving Julie's apartment with the data chip, Miller is abducted by unknown people.

Words to remember

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