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Seth MacFarlane
You're a pushover, but I don't have time to discuss it,
Or the sharer of new shoes.
Did you know that megaphone takes 12 D batteries?
Pappa Wheelie, why don't you go fill out your HR forms.
Oh, look at that bunny in the loafer!
Oh, my God, traffic just came to a freakin' standstill.
It was a fish stick I sucked the bread crumb off of.
You're like that autistic cowgirl Claire Danes played.
to have it all go to hell 'cause you moron
Many times I've woken up to that ass hanging over mein bowl.
A teddy bear as our receptionist?
He encouraged my smart-mouth persona,
So we agree, if a waiter drops something,
Oh! That turtle has a hamster on his back.
Quick, grab my disguise kit out of the trunk.
The walls of my anus are cuter than that panda.
♪ And he's shining a salute to the American race ♪
Make him buy you sandal."
We were ransack a dead man's house and we found
then who kidnap Pappa Wheelie?
A sever finger.
to the library and nab him.
My grandfather invent the packaging
3:00 at the abandon bank on Norton Street."
It's part pretend, part real, fake detectives, real cases,
but I refuse it because...
and they will know how bad I nail them.
Your parents and your doctors are lying to you.
and it burn like hell.
You just woke up one morning
I recognize the ring.
He encourage my smart-mouth persona,
That's why I volunteer at the cancer ward every Sunday.
Whoa, that suck really good.
Oh, yeah, forgot it was Sean's birthday party at Bar Fudge.
Dad, what happen?
Eventually we'll have to go back inside
you know, how black guys sometimes wear sweaters?
I can't believe you actually fired Pappa Wheelie.
what this key opens, you can have half of whatever's inside.
I went along with it 'cause I didn't want to upset you.
that's close to cute enough for Cute Pet Pics.
I just might sex you later.
Steve, why can't you ever give anyone bad news?
Well, at least you're good for something.
Listen, Wheels, for once in your life,
My grandfather always claimed
but he tries hard than anyone I've ever met.
Teddy, can you... Oh, never mind.
Yes, I tried the Thai restaurant again.
I wanted to work there, but they told me I was too ugly.
Oh, my God. Of course!
Not much.
Like... like, don't even tell The Legman.
I just hate upsetting people.
You're like that autistic cowgirl Claire Danes played.
Our vulgar associate is no longer with the company.
I only drink flaming Grand Marnier!
There's a note in the pneumatic tube.
Bonkers was jealous that you came in
and a pretend office in your father's garage is a joke?!
I was bored, Steve.
Ah, you mean like getting rid of that dumb bear?
She was so upset, I just couldn't break it to her.
Ah, you mean like getting rid of that dumb bear?
He was so excited, I couldn't let him down.
You think this fake detective agency with real cases
That's weird.
We'll just stay loose, we'll get some great shots,
I just hate making people sad.
and saw a unicycle, you stupid hack.
I can't draw a cowboy; is a pirate acceptable?