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GLOW » Season 1 » The Dusty Spur



Plot summary

With five weeks left before shooting GLOW's pilot episode, Sam and Bash announce that the ladies will stay at The Dusty Spur motel in Van Nuys as part of their training. As Ruth struggles to find her character, she is assigned to work with Sheila the She-Wolf. Training is interrupted by Carmen's father Goliath Jackson and her two brothers, who urge her to go home instead of pursuing a wrestling career. After Goliath slaps Sam, Carmen agrees to leave the gym, but Bash fakes an affair with her to convince Goliath to let Carmen make her own decisions. The ladies and Cherry's husband Keith watch one of Sam's old horror films, only to discover his find-a-date video recorded over it. Meanwhile, Ruth gets into an argument with Sheila after discovering a dead squirrel in her bed while Debbie moves into the motel after another quarrel with Mark.

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