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GLOW » Season 1 » Debbie Does Something



Plot summary

As the ladies continue their training, Sam and Bash have a meeting with K-DTV executive Glen Klitnick, who offers GLOW a Saturday morning timeslot and a potential sponsor in the form of indoor/outdoor lifestyle store chain Patio Town. Debbie has her parents take care of her son while she continues her training. Dawn and Stacey spend the night making prank calls to everyone in the motel while Justine is heavily attracted to pizza delivery boy Billy Offal. Ruth and Rhonda travel to Patio Town's new Calabasas branch to meet CEO Patrick O'Towne, who declines to sponsor GLOW until Sam convinces him to reconsider by staging a vignette with Ruth during the ribbon cutting ceremony. It is here that Ruth develops her Soviet gimmick, but shortly learns of Sam's affair with Rhonda. Meanwhile, Melrose joins Debbie and Carmen to watch a local wrestling show, where Debbie discovers the thin line between wrestling and soap operas.

Words to remember

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