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GLOW » Season 1 » This Is One of Those Moments



Plot summary

Sam calls in Ruth and Debbie early morning at the gym to build them both as main eventers. Ruth sells an idea for the match, but Debbie walks out, still refusing to work with her former best friend. To further develop her character, Ruth asks for help from Gregory, the motel's Russian manager, who takes her to a Russian Jewish family party. When Michael, the bris celebrant, overhears Ruth talking about Yentl, he asks her to sing one of Barbra Streisand's songs. Meanwhile, Debbie is having difficulty taking in-ring storylines while Justine confronts Sam over him using GLOW as his personal casting couch. After much convincing by Sam, Debbie finally decides to start a program with Ruth. Later that night, Justine sneaks into Sam's office and steals his camera.

Words to remember

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