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Jon Hamm, Vincent Kartheiser, Elisabeth Moss, John Slattery
Who's up for a nightcap?
He wants to have dinner and he knows weeknight are hard.
in a toga with a IittIe shepherd boy.
to cavemen and then do the MiddIe Ages, the Renaissance, aII the way up to now.
I'm supposed to be studying for trig, but I'm not in the mood.
Peggy, a traditionaIist in the bosom arena,
Euphoria and insight and...
I was sitting in my bathtub and I saw myseIf at the 1 91 9 WorId Series.
We can't put EmiIe and Marie in the bunk beds.
HoId on, sweetheart. It's SaIIy.
Last night when I was feeding the kids spaghetti,
You're so fuII of Iife and ambition.
I thought you'd be reIieved I wasn't marrying the Jew.
-Oh, my goodness. -That's terribIe.
WeII, I've gotten a Iot of rejection, so who knows what I'm fuII of?
Who finished the shrimp?
And some dessert.
The steak is supposed to be good here.
You know what your aunt used to say?
in a toga with a IittIe shepherd boy.
Where's your purse?
wouId hit everybody hard, but now there's no teeth.
his Iatest grad student.
Your father said they'II sightsee with the kids during the day
Why are you whisper?
Why do you insist on carrying everything yourseIf?
He's a good man, I swear.
My daughter pretend to find interesting what I find interesting
No, Heinz Baked Beans.
And it's not because someone eIse deserve it,
You shouId be shaking her hand.
Someone dump you?
I'm suppose to be studying for trig, but I'm not in the mood.
I invite you here as an aduIt
And as much as we appreciate the invitation,
WeII, Marie, I woke up one day and I reaIized
And you ignore me.
we're aII so busy and we rush around and it wiII probabIy aIways be Iike that.
You don't know this, but you've rescue me from a house fuII of in-Iaws and chiIdren.
nothing I had was mine because the game was throw.
I bet the worId wouId be bet off if they knew about the work you're doing.
And, Don, I promise Frank from Ford over there you'd come and say hi.
She couIdn't have been struck by Iightning a week ago?
Sorry, but we ended up getting more dessert than we bargain for.
If he's going to end it, which I doubt, you'II know what to do.
and we've decide we're going to Iive together.
I'II do what I can, but I'm not gonna go overboard.
I'm stag tonight and my doorman wears a cIip-on.
A beautifuI young Iady who wiII someday be wearing makeup, but not today.
Besides, we're stiII at Ieast 1 5 grand out of pocket on the account.
"Kids want beans and they have forever."
Then they just passed it back and forth Iike a coupIe of pros.
WeII, it kind of came this way.
We're at a pIace where we Iove being together.
She couIdn't have been struck by Iightning a week ago?
I mean, how wouId we ever do that?
WeII, it goes past, present day to the future,
because you are seIIing yourseIf short.
Iooking at each other every once in a whiIe.
wouId hit everybody hard, but now there's no teeth.
"Heinz Beans, some things never change."
Come on. Her again?
Too much Chinese and we'II have to go up a cup size.
Of course you did.
we're aII so busy and we rush around and it wiII probabIy aIways be Iike that.
WeII, Daddy, I want you to sit down.
-The doorman offered. -Why bother him? It's not that much.
He won't even buy himseIf a pretzeI.
Dawn, get Stan and Ginsberg in here right away.
-You Iadies Iook ravishing. -Thank you.
You know, futuristic cIothing, interesting bowIs.
No, it is absurd.
aIthough he said the voting was unanimous for Don.
I think you're brave.
I thought you were going to be disappointed for me.
Megan's excited about it.
I'm surprised that you're in such a good mood.
Why are you carrying the bags? Is Jonesy drunk again?
Then why do you Iook so sad?
I think it's very romantic.
I was just gonna scream in his stupid face.
Can you move? Are you okay?
No. He'd be mad at you the same way I am,
The kid has just taken off his space heImet as he takes a warm bite.
Then a Greek woman
So Megan comes out and does a doubIe secret reverse to Don that it's over.
Abe and I are very serious about each other
WeII, you've estabIished a firm bed of insecurity.
My daughter pretends to find interesting what I find interesting
WeII, it's not fair that just because you're a boob-carrying consumer
When I was in the deep part of the trip,
Too much Chinese and we'II have to go up a cup size.