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[ sighs ] that granola hit the spot.
Have we made it to pari?
Oh, betrayal!
♪ can you find it in your carp to forgive my sole? ♪
Huh? It's packing tape! My baby paw are useless!
This is our turf, buddy!
Hmm. What the heck?
I've got an elevator. What you got?
Look what you did! Shame on you!
Accept your fate!
Hot tub!
♪ can you find it in your carp to forgive my sole? ♪
♪ a wink and a smile and a great old time ♪
We're still in... This desert!
Thanks for letting me stay with you guys tonight.
That granola bar didn't even have any chocolate bits in it.
This is our turf, buddy!
Oh, no! She dent our box.
♪ all fuzzy and fade ♪
What happen? Where did it go?
Where are we? Have we been pick up yet?
Well, you would have waste it anyway.
♪ when you jump out the bush ♪
♪ sometimes things break and they fall apart ♪
♪ sometimes things break and they fall apart ♪
[ laughs ] we score a good box, man.
♪ we were never mean ♪
♪ we'll be there when you turn that corner ♪
I feel like we can make it to paris now.
Whoa! You look pretty cool.
We love that box.
You guys want some?
We should have know!
Okay. Let's go. We need to find a new box.
♪ wherever we are, there's fun to be found ♪
Grizzly: ♪ someday ♪
♪ wherever we are, there's fun to be found ♪
♪ sometimes things break and they fall apart ♪
♪ sometimes things break and they fall apart ♪
Actually, right now, I feel good right where we are.
We'll catch a ride soon.
♪ we will be together again ♪
♪ we were never meant ♪
♪ we will be together again ♪
I'm sorry, too!
Oh, uh, okay. I'll go around.
That granola bar didn't even have any chocolate bits in it.
Actually, right now, I feel good right where we are.
Where are we? Have we been picked up yet?
Bears over here! Please!
♪ can I take them all back? ♪
We were here first.
Look! Someone's coming now!
Hey, panda, check out how rad my house is.
Huh? It's packing tape! My baby paws are useless!
♪ all fuzzy and faded ♪
Don't be sad, panpan.
Aah! I'm blind!
Oh, really? I'm gonna make my own amazing house.
Fresh bears! Get them while they're hot!
Flat screen.
Poor box.
Dead end.
It's the perfect box.
♪ wherever we are, there's fun to be found ♪
Let's go tell panda we're sorry, too.
I'm sure there are boxes all over this place.
♪ it's a little complicated ♪
♪ a wink and a smile and a great old time ♪
♪ with a big bear hug and a smile ♪
Oh, really? I'm gonna make my own amazing house.