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Hey, bears, you forgot your groceries!
Yeah, can we get some dead trees brought up to aisle four
Aha! There you are, you little sneak.
What you got there, bro?
Oh, yeah, from the hip-looking cashier.
Oh, and this one is for sock.
Well, yeah, I mean, see, this one's for snack,
-the beige one? -the blue one?
Ice bear is a survivor. Hero.
Oh, actually I'm a vegetarian, and I --
Hmm, gluten-free, nut-free,
-i understand now. -we're sorry about the mess.
Uh, maybe there's a trash can.
Local beaver build their dams.
This one's for phone chargers, this one's for coffee sleeve.
Ice bear needs oxygen.
Ice bear likes mint soap.
Ice bear likes mint soap.
We have ascend to a higher level
But if you insist on having paper,
[ chuckles ] ah, you scare me.
Just grab a few of these.
Tote life is about being involve.
Wait, you seriously forgot your reusable bag?
I guess we can try and find you something.
[ gasps ] wait a minute.
It's okay, the bag of organic wool socks broke my fall.
-i understand now. -we're sorry about the mess.
Thank you. All right, let's go.
Uh, I ,mean I would never waste all these napkins.
♪ we'll be there when you turn that corner ♪
[ sighs ] step outside with me for a second.
I finally feel like I'm a part of something.
What are you doing here, man?! I told you to knock.
We let the tote life consume us.
This look awesome. Want some?
With this many totes, we're practically saving the world.
♪ wherever we are, there's some fun to be found ♪
-tote life? -why didn't you say so earlier?
I finally feel like I'm a part of something.
Grizz: no, no, almost.
[ sighs ] step outside with me for a second.
Uh, no, actually, it's not fine.
I'm going to save them for later in my tote.
Tote life? Together: tote life.
It's the first tote we ever got.
Uh, I ,mean I would never waste all these napkins.
Hey, man, good to see you again.
Oh, geez, too many.
Oh, yeah, of course. We have some right here.
And I'll look around here.
Do you even care about the environment at all?
Oh, yeah, of course. We have some right here.
Hey, watch where you're going, man.
Six if you're pretentious about it.
Wait, you seriously forgot your reusable bag?
It's unsafe. Is it just the two of you?
Vegan chocolate chip cookies, or -- hmm...
You guys got it all wrong and twisted.
Mmm -- delicious.
We need to get rid of our totes.
[ gasps ] grizz, stop, I'm stuck.
-it's okay, it's okay. -look, look, look.
Mother nature would be proud.
It's still warm.
It's okay, the bag of organic wool socks broke my fall.
My brother, panda -- amazing tote lifer.
And this one is for rare cheeses.
[ panda giggling ] oh, that's so interesting.
Yeah, can we get some dead trees brought up to aisle four
Get in there! Perfect. Oh, no.
Excellent choice.