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Затерянные в космосе » Сезон 1 » The Robinsons Were Here


Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins


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Will has the robot assist John in setting up a perimeter. Will and Penny initiate Jupiter 2’s expansion protocol, while Smith and Will discuss the robot. Don West and Angela are rescued by the Watanabe family; Hiroki Watanabe reunites with John and Maureen at Jupiter 11 where Judy treats Angela. Angela tells Judy about the attack on Resolute. The Robinsons learn there were 63 survivors, 27 casualties, and about 13 Jupiter crafts that safely landed. However, none can fly due to the giant eels consuming the fuel. John notices that one crash site is not a Jupiter ship. Maureen, John, and Don go there and discover it is wreckage torn off the Resolute, including the comm dish. This explains why the survivors' emergency messages are not being received by Resolute. Maureen also discovers the contraband whiskey that Don smuggled aboard. Judy confronts Will about the robot, and he reveals he knew it attacked the Resolute. They decide to hide the robot in a nearby cave, unaware Smith is following them. On the way, they hide from another survivor group, but one member, Vijay, a teen-aged boy, spots them. Penny blackmails Vijay to say nothing about the robot, having found and keeping an item he dropped. Penny tags ‘The Robinsons were here’ in the cave. The three add their hand prints to the wall. Later the robot does the same. While away, Maureen and John discuss their marital problems. The next morning, the kids return to Jupiter 2 before their parents return. Smith talks to the robot inside the cave, attempting to instill distrust in it about Will. When John and Maureen return home, the kids tell them that the robot wandered away.

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