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Затерянные в космосе » Сезон 1 » Resurrection


Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins


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In a flashback, Maureen wonders how Earth's detection network failed to detect the Christmas Star meteor months in advance. Meanwhile, Will is transmitting a radio signal to John, who is on a tour of duty. On the Resolute, after escaping custody, Smith overhears two administrators arguing over the engine, which is revealed was stolen from aliens. In the present, Will uses the same radio frequency to try and signal his father, convinced he survived the explosion. In the forest, Smith tells a captive Maureen how she needs her help to reach the alien ship. At the alien craft, Smith reasons that the Robot was likely powered by the ship, but gets no results. Will discovers that the rocks he collected are petrified biomass that can fuel the Jupiter ships to reach Resolute. Hiroki confirms this and says the cave contains enough biomass. However, it must be retrieved quietly to avoid alerting predators living in the cave. Inside the alien ship, Smith is standing against a wall when Maureen notices strands of Smith's hair standing up. Whatever is on the other side is causing it, and Maureen recalls a similar incident on the Resolute. Opening the hatch, she sees that it is the same type of engine that is on the Resolute. Maureen concludes the robot was sent to retrieve the aliens' stolen technology. The Christmas Star was not a meteor but another alien craft. The U.S. government stole their advanced technology, which caused the extinction event. In the cave, Will's radio beeps, awakening the creatures. Angela saves Hiroki, Penny, and Vijay, but they must move quietly to escape with the remaining biomass. Judy uses GPS to track Smith and finds a probable location. Using the chicken as a decoy, Judy tranquilizes Smith and frees Maureen. On fleeing, the robot is reactivated and blocks their escape; it is now linked to Smith.

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