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Christopher McCulloch, James Urbaniak, Doc Hammer
You're gonna tell me you didn't send your flunky
He used to be a hench for Dr. Z.
Okay, henchmen! That's a wrap!
Holy vanishing vitals! He's dead!
I carry snake repellant in my utility belt.
I'm afraid you're a trickster God
Now turn around and take your little faggot friends with you.
Hey, underpants!
as some sort of cabal of Johnnies who
more chemical preservative in you than a twinkie.
and go hide someplace I can't see you.
Is it any wonder I didn't lose my virginity
He? That's a fella?
As boy adventurer, they've been there, too.
The murderer must've dropped it.
I have abandonment issues?
Okay, minor setback fellas.
As a superhero sidekick,
When Dr. Z harass you, you'll know it.
And our minds invent a million ways
We owe it to him. And to dad.
I only regret that it took so long for me to figure it out.
So dumbass here is so freak out by the mess,
By the way, you never bother
I am much happier now that I settle down with Mrs. Z
It says here you're excuse only if you have
You mess with one boy adventurer,
at least it would appear I have finally succeed
and you blame me for all your problems.
Tomorrow, we arch anew!
than I ever was chasing Johnny around with a laser.
You've been ban, junkie.
Am I suppose to --
So we slip the snake right through the air vent.
as he lay sputtering on the cold linoleum.
I recognize his face from the files.
is to go someplace creepy, like the Bermuda Triangle.
Tomorrow, we arch anew!
Technically, his people don't have a gender.
Out of nowhere, there's this big glowing viking longboat
He is definitely not working his program.
They just stay 13 forever!
And I certainly would not do it with a made-up snake!
Exactly. No, no, don't touch that -- okay.
Because you're not in it alone anymore.
Sometimes I wish I could just be a normal kid,
at least it would appear I have finally succeeded
But I got a pack of herpes that say otherwise.
I'm afraid the valley below is quite barren.
And the judge's name was actually John.
Yeah, sounds kind of sloppy when you say it.
because nothing we did was ever good enough for him!
Yeah, all in all, a fitting end to the trilogy, though.
Not my fault. Somebody else's.
so, heh, getting a little antsy,
Uh, yeah, the latest drama in my caped crusade
And I'm not even sure I wanna be a supe scientist
His murder remains our only unsolved case ever.
Spirit is up and roving,
I have not arched you in years.
Ten bucks for a dang movie,
No less than six suicidal assassins
Beep boop.
Punch buggy depressing!
And then I get kidnapped.
How does it feel to be a helpless puppet of fate?
And as you look back on your pathetic life,
Shh! It's unbelievable!
So, you can see why I've been reluctant
Then I'd eat more because I was depressed.
We have only some old sour balls and kraft caramels.
winding, inevitable road to this very moment...