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All this funky pizzazz that only you can see --
Bread crumb sty--
It's almost like the maze is trying to tell me something.
Man, not even Jake could smash through this mess.
You don't put trap in the foyer!
Anyway, flambo's brother's map says the weird cave should be,
and the butterflies and bees
with flame princess.
and the butterflies and bee
but there's just a bunch of grass here.
but there's just a bunch of grass here.
Bread-crumb style. [ Chuckles ]
Ain't nobody gonna be looking for me down --
This is like an ancient, sacred temple.
Finn? Where are ya, buddy?
Plus, I need someone to tell me if this hat looks cool.
It's like programmed into your DNA or something.
This cave has got me straight scramble up and down.
Hey. Hey, I just smash you.
Sorry to pop up, then disappear again like that.
It was right after you mess things all up
Okay, well, scratch that.
Egress! It spell "egress!"
Great. What am I suppose to do now?
Well done, Finn. You solve the magic door.
lie the cornucopia's smallest door.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, that suck.
I guess this door's just too tricky for me.
I'm just hoping, maybe if I sleep it off,
I'm Finn mertens, ya hear?
But when I got fed up,
You're really gonna thank me.
All the exit signs led to traps.
Egress mean exit!
Man, I told you...
That's a little disappointing. Still, though.
that's like the literal definition of a hallucination.
Someone's apt to track me down...
This is like an ancient, sacred temple.
Anyway, flambo's brother's map says the weird cave should be,
Who needs you anyway, with your stupid signs and messages?
It's smooth like metal.
This is like an ancient, sacred temple.
The foyer is a safe space.
And then the whole thing disappeared.
Too bad I don't still have that sidewalk chaaaaahhhhhh-- oof!
I was able to get to the end and find you.
There should be a left turn here.
I got to wait till something's different.
Better leave a little trail in case I get lost...
lies the cornucopia's small door.
but I guess I got to see this one through on my own.
If I open 'em now it'll just be the same.