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Seth MacFarlane
I'm traveling cross-country taking Polaroid pictures
and I need to get to an underpass before nightfall.
SNOT: Look, there's a lonely hitchhiker.
It was some off-brand knockoff called "Cheese O's."
Frat boys poop all over room.
No. It's my suitcase.
Frat boys poop all over room.
♪ And he's shining a salute to the American race ♪
These are the last two Etruscan urn in existence.
The truth is I have a serious meth addiction
Uh, can I help you with your cello?
should be rectangle, you know?
You can have anything you want if you just trust your gut.
Yes! It could even be dishwasher-safe,
A deli platter.
in name-brand snack foods,
which is spun to perfection in China.
What, are you an idiot?
This wire retract into the handles for easy storage.
I'm starving.
but you are bum me out.
but I always do it, because it has never steer me wrong.
And I owe it all to you.
and then he disappear completely.
I've been frozen inside.
Oh, my God, you destroy one of the urns!
Will you shut up?
which is spun to perfection in China.
I just realize I don't know your name.
I promise you, buddy, by the time we get there,
So, what happen?
Or that I wear ice skates to weddings?
You blew off your grieving friend
We are born alone and we die alone.
If we listen to it, we'll get rich!
I was stand out there for quite a while.
Dice the cake into appropriately-sized pieces
this-this incredibly hard-to-define girl...
And besides, I didn't even know him.
but that was definitely the weirdest kid
Your dad's death is tearing us apart!
and you have to wait, like, forever for a piece of cake?
He's doing it exactly right.
We are all alone in the universe.
I think sometimes suitcases
you're projecting on the wall outside.
I'm actually a total dork.
I've been frozen inside.
They need to be together.
And I'm usually up for anything.
This is one of the craziest parties I've ever been to.
I don't always understand
but I always do it, because it has never steered me wrong.
The cake? You noticed, too?
hop in this car and take a cross-country trip
These are the last two Etruscan urns in existence.
what a wonderfully transformative time
that I'm incapable of seeing the color orange?
some big theatrical reaction to this
With only a verbal contract based on trust.
but I prefer indie films.
to an absent father,
I used to get all excited when he was around
everything was so weird for you.
It's been pretty rough on all of us.
you're gonna be an emotional wreck.
My dad was never there for me when he was alive,
Watch and see how amazing this is.
equal partners.
If we listen to it, we'll get rich!
We're on a pretty heavy trip ourselves.
The truth is I have a serious meth addiction