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my Great-uncle Gumbald cut down all these taffy trees in
O my gra cup sa!
They got aspiration.
Can you imagine the jerk that must have lived here?
The marshmallow kids never run from a scrap.
if every little thing freak her out?
I disguised them as gruesome creature,
Princess, I need a little wagon
and your biggest roll of wax paper.
I'm glad to see you out of that funk
What a dump.
gross cave, starting with you,
I think this could be a tribe of...
♪ And the butterflies and bees ♪
♪ And the butterflies and bee ♪
Aw, these candy weapon are too cute to be scary.
Susan, it's just grass.
the lamp posts, even the people.
They're startle.
Ow la koo sow suuhhn.
I disguise them as gruesome creatures,
They're doom.
♪ Don't you think you deserve this? ♪
♪ This is where you belong ♪
Yep. Felled by surface-world germs.
Hey, but I bet you have a ton of stories
[MONOTONE VOICE] Okay. I guess so.
We eat all of candy kingdom.
Fight the humans to the death when they attack?
I've enjoy your visit immensely, Susan Strong.
my Great-uncle Gumbald cut down all these taffy trees in
♪ On a fall tree ♪
I mean, well, I'm gonna scram.
♪ You turn my heart on ♪
I've never even met any other humans.
The marshmallow kids never run from a scrap.
I've enjoyed your visit immensely, Susan Strong.
Have some sidewalk brittle instead.
We won't eat red-stripe man, only everyone else.
♪ The fun will never end ♪
If I think about it too much,
What are these guys doing down here in this crummy hole?
I've never even met any other humans.
♪ How long have you lived in the darkness? ♪
♪ This is where you belong ♪
Maybe they just don't know any other thing.
Now I gonna get friends.
And here at this site,
Fight the humans to the death when they attack?
Everything is candy there.
You got grass blood all over your face.
Um, not really.
We'll just be gooey for a while.
I disguised them as gruesome creatures,
Have some sidewalk brittle instead.
I've made things awkward.
♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪
You got to be gentle with wild animals.
You know, she may be too excited about candy.
Living down here has made you all weird, hasn't it?
Yeah, it's okay.
gross cave, starting with you,
Please, fellow humans.
'Cause those trees were evil!
You poor things.
It's dark, huh?
It'll be fun!
No hard feelings, right?
We won't eat red-stripe man, only everyone else.
a low-level enemy.