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- Oh, crud. - Beemo!
want to get their grubby mitt on it.
Looks a mite bigger inside the game.
Wha?! Jake, what the shank?
FINN: That's not how it works.
BOTH: Hunny Bunny!
Oh, oh, you missed a coin, dude. Go back.
♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪
Oh, holy cow!
♪ and the butterflies and bee ♪
right, down, spin, down, up,
Finn, I told you about the danger, and now look --
like this sloppy butt right here.
My leg is math!
No wonder all the monster in this game
JAKE: Man, you are hot tonight.
Are you all right, buddy?
Now comes some real trouble.
you fricassee my stuff and broke our house all up.
that's been imprison us for so many years.
[SNIFFS] Smells like...
We're trap, and they'll be here any second.
And there's the hole we're suppose to go down.
Ow! It burn!
If I push this button...
Dude, what if losing all your lives in here
Whoa, wait. Hold up, guys.
makes you die in real life?
you fricasseed my stuff and broke our house all up.
BOTH: Up, down, left, left,
You mean that's it? You're not gonna kill us?
Mm, that sunshine feel good.
It sound like...
Finn, I told you about the danger, and now look --
You wonder why they even put it there.
Man, we never run away from Hunny Bunny.
you will both be dangerously transported
We can do this backwards with our eyes closed.
♪ In a game, I can be who I virtually am ♪
Too late! Run!
We're almost there!
See you later, Sam.
No. It's a far-too-dangerous incredible adventure for you.
FINN: I'm like, "Hunny Bunny, don't you ever learn?
I've always got the bombuh."
They're all hard as butts.
♪ The fun will never end ♪
Let's never die again.
Too late! Run!
Beemo! Stop messing around.
BOTH: Up, down, left, left,
It's much more dangerous than you think.
You wonder why they even put it there.
like this sloppy butt right here.
♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪
That was pretty intense, dude.
I-I can't, Finn. I'm stuck.
There's nothing more precious than a life.
No. It's a far-too-dangerous incredible adventure for you.
Oh, man, dude, these coins are thick.
stupid frog.
Oh, Finn! You're alive.
It's much more dangerous than you think.
Sleepy Sam is gonna be the ultimate butt-kicker.
We need to stay alert for Sleepy Sam.
We'll be filthy, stinking rich.
Curse this false virtual world.
Check it out -- extra lives.
They're too strong. Use the combo move, Finn.
I was double-butt, for real.
Beemo, quick! Hit your button!
Beemo, this game is the worst.