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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
Someone must not want you at that kudo-cast, yo.
Crumble will soon have
as the digital Rembrandts of my generation.
for the past 25 years, the cute one from The Bangles!
You know me as Luigi, the spaghetti guy.
♪ ...Hate your gut ♪
And now, the nominee for best animated short.
Can he get angry on cue?
No free refill!
Every night, I dream that my teeth fly out of my mouth.
Angry Dad got an Oscar nomination?!
and a homemade Marmite sandwich.
For God's sake, turn it off! Turn it off!
I used to be fat. I used to eat junk food.
Well, that's my tip jar.
There will be no shame in losing to you.
A big one. Double digit, ten.
The multimillion dollar Internet startup
so we repossess the only thing
Mr. Simpson, I'm in charge of the team that animate your ass.
I'd like to thank Mr. Speedy Pants Repair
and the woman who has inspire me every day
Um, glad I bump into you, actually,
You remind me of Deborah Kerr in Black Narcissus.
Yo-yo-yo! Why you mess
That's what happen when you're a celebrity.
You ate his yogurt in the car.
Hello. I'm wear my retainer.
He blew out his voice screaming...
I was born a Rollin' 80
Every night, I dream that my teeth fly out of my mouth.
Family, today I graduate from my anger-management class.
for an entire movie the stupidest thing you ever hear?
Anyway, grant, despite what André Bazin might say,
If you cut out the stuff that didn't work,
Thank you!
But ten dollars nonetheless.
I legally forced him to say semi.
The lowest of the double digits, but nevertheless, ten dollars.
Hmm, who could possibly want
Bart's been alone for 23 minutes.
And finally, Angry Dad.
She's a-gonna be late.
Now comes the part where the movie actually starts.
My category comes up pretty soon.
is tight and fast-paced.
Who else in here is going to tip ten dollars?!
a minute ago? Don't take any of my ideas.
for an entire movie the stupidest thing you ever heard?
I've always loved cartoons,
...the chairs were never paid for,
This is just the first of way too many award shows.
The first time around.
Everyone has an angry dad, even me.
The multimillion dollar Internet startup
The most comfortable ergonomic chair there is.
My lame-o sister Lisa.
You'll get your chance to say ridiculous things.
This is insane! He didn't show up for work,
I'm bored.
and pick up some dim sum on the way.
And made by a woman with such gentle hands.
Your animated short, Angry Dad,
Stupid kid.
You got your wish, boy. I'm proud of you.
Yours is just public and expensive.
is tight and fast-paced.
He's famous. He's got great abs."
Oh, that's very sweet of you.
There's something going on at the nuclear plant
You're thinking, "Wow, he's rich.
The creative team from Mixar!