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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
If we want to set these bumbler straight,
The second we let one trespasser on our land,
Sour cream and chive?
No wonder you've still got pimple at your age.
All right, you googly-eyed geezer,
Better... the prospector left naughty French postcards.
From that one droplet,
No one knows why the early settler called it that,
He's casting a pall over this grim dungeon full of losers.
Walther, when a man puts something on a Frisbee,
The sun is shining, there's a spring in my slipper
These are my "Suitcase Suzies,"
These are my "Suitcase Suzies,"
makes these angry scorpion docile.
of shambling, dope-fogged, into the grave?
Uh... this is the nerd fraternity.
In my day it cost you a dime and they gave you back a quarter.
More saline, please.
No! I've been moisten!
Now remember to stay hydrate, and...
Bart, why are you tug on your collar?
Before you waltz off with my grampa grease, I want to know...
to make sure our drug is prescribe.
I've isolate the molecule.
that render old people tolerable to us normals?
We scoop them up by the sorority.
I want to take Grampa to have his belly button pierce.
I smell music.
Together, we survive the Depression, won a few wars
This park's environment has been preserve
and I suppose we never will.
Yes, if I recall, you took a sick day you did not have.
they won't let him escape, then they kick him out.
Problem solve.
and "upside-down" them smile.
"While beautiful, the desert also harbor hidden dangers:
ironically, on these novelty eyeglasses.
I may have accidentally traded a few of those pills for money...
Aw, for crying out loud,
Besides, our generation's got everything under control.
Either the grave or somewhere much worse.
I want him every night, forever and ever.
Mr. Hotenhoffer, there's a mob outside.
Why are you guys eating so fast?
Together, we survived the Depression, won a few wars
And there's something else it might be good for.
I was supposed to be drunk an hour ago.
I want him ever night, forever and ever.
But we sure do appreciate what you done for us,
At least no one else has taken this drug.
As always, the Frisbee is the mirror to the soul.
and I suppose we never will.
Now they're aggressive again.
I'm sorry, Abe, but you're just too cranky.
of shambling, dope-fogged, into the grave?
Those poor googly-eyed fools.
Accursed tide.
It's just because of an untested drug.
I'm sorry I was so stubborn.
No, a cheerful mob.
Check it out! Something pathetic's going on.
He's casting a pall over this grim dungeon full of losers.
until it has been through rigorous trials.
Lisa is irrelevant.
Nose in a funny book, how rude.
Sour cream and chives?
free of invasive species, except for one... rock climbers.
Now they're aggressive again.
and my wonderful son woke me up with a delicious cup of coffee.
Children, I hope we all have a pleasant and orderly day
Dad, is there anything unusual in Grampa's coffee?
It's okay, Grampa... you don't have to act grumpy.