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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
My bedpost smooshes
Whoa-aah! Oof!
Well, um, I was looking through Mom's old schoolwork,
And you'll crack like one of those chicken turd
Are you sure? He's having a growth spurt.
They're dentures!
We have every facility imaginable,
of all of my distraction, diversions,
Nothing, sweetie, nothing.
this box sucker didn't beat me up.
That's an insult to me and the rest of the inchworms.
That's odd. Lisa just threw her saxophone out the window.
"Sorry about those million dead pelican."
of all of my distractions, diversion,
♪ Feeling the grind, up go the hammers ♪
'Sup, bro?
and stick you on the front porch every Halloween.
Cloisters Academy is a refuge for quiet learning.
You won't even hear the punch that wast you.
Over the years, I've sure been tempt
Mom, I admire everything you do.
Lisa, honey, I insist.
I warn you about interacting with students.
but she authorize me to say goodnight for her.
you punch really good!
So, by the power invest in me
Lord Buddha, I know I'm not suppose to want stuff,
People appreciate that.
Real publish.
That's odd. Lisa just threw her saxophone out the window.
I only teach you.
and upon further reflection, I have decide to offer you
I discover that if I sat in the kitchen,
Ninth grade, tenth grade, still riding the A-Train.
This is the neighborhood where I grew up!
Maggie, something happen to Mom,
You'll really love the intentionally scarce
Someday when I'm a grownup, maybe I'll go back
And besides, you were willing to do all this
Hey, those memories are forever.
I lead the team in E.R.A.: Extremely Right Answers.
Oh, indeed. Your mother was as fine a student as you.
Homer, Lisa, could you please step outside?
Did you get that the pony was actually me?
You can't tell what's inside!
But it's not good enough, is it?
Sooner or later, everyone meets their Homer.
Too bad you keep it so far away.
it would have been someone or something else.
No child of mine will go without anything, ever!
Over the years, I've sure been tempted
I'm sure you understand things can't always go your way,
I'll study so hard, I'll make the old me look like Bart!
I've never seen stores like these before.
I'm not cheap, baby, I'm embarrassed to be seen with you.
You'll really love the intentionally scarce
Ninth grade, tenth grade, still riding the A-Train.
What's wrong, sweetie? You seem upset.
Okay, I've gotten rid
Yes, but they sold a bunch off to that frozen yogurt chain.
♪ And I'll get drunk in the li'bry! ♪
It's just a series of incredible coincidences.
That would be one weird-looking kid.
That's odd. Lisa just threw her saxophone out the window.
Dad, I think Maggie's just sad
Ha! You're not so tough now.
I'll buy ten more gallons of their stupid gas.
Cloisters Academy is a refuge for quiet learning.
Oh, that's ancient history.
Mom, these grades are amazing.
I now pronounce you sweet dreams.
You think you're so smart, don't you, Simpson?