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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
performing for pashas and potentate,
I was once the most famous illusionist in the world,
of hieroglyphics and cuneiform, but he doesn't deserve to die.
♪ Take a whiff, p-u ♪
Peach pickin' ain't so bad, long as you got
A peanut butter and pretzel sandwich?
♪ Same old tingle that I feel inside ♪
performing for pasha and potentates,
♪ More like a prune ♪
♪ Boop boop, dit-tem dat-tem, what-tem chu! ♪
♪ But he'll make a hearty stew ♪
Oswald of the Occult?
as the ether that helps you get to sleep.
Now the first thing you must do is make me a vodka tonic.
And he stole my sexiest magical gesture.
That monkey wound up with 18 car dealership.
You're a real jerk, you know that?
flange-less friction slide.
You shush yourself.
♪ You'll never see it grovel ♪
Judas betray Jesus, but he still got paid.
I'm not exactly flatter by that.
I got haunt by a straight-up, see-through ghost.
♪ Old black magic that you weave so well ♪
Raymondo, you forgive me!
Bumped-off-the- Mike-Douglas-show upset!
I just knock on the door and it opened.
He stole all our best tricks.
Lisa excuse herself a few minutes ago.
When it got real hot, it smell like Fritos.
but I'll assume we just dump the peaches like we discussed.
Help! I'm trap in an alternate dimension--
who solve everything.
My ponytail's been burn!
Lisa, magicians hate to be rescue.
I promise there will be no chicks over.
There's no chance whatsoever.
I briefly became a disco magician.
The can is in two halves, and they slide apart.
My beautiful body, no longer properly lit.
I'm not exactly flattered by that.
Now I'm alone with my memories and my medical marijuana.
♪ Its kisses are quite ticklish... ♪
and I've almost mastered the Denver slide pass.
Actually, we pay them for each peach we take home.
Uh, how'd I get from inside there to over here?
Oh! What idiot put the dump so far away from where people live?
Not so fast.
Come back in a week with these rings linked together,
Let's see what else you've been hiding in there.
a magic set for Christmas two years ago.
Why was I ever born?!
but it sure brought down corn prices.
I was once the most famous illusionist in the world,
♪ Its kisses are quite ticklish ♪
an existential nether space! I...
an existential nether space! I...
Wait, I know he's an unethical magician,
Lisa, we've all done things we're ashamed of.
Now, here's the infamous "miroir noir."
This activity is so lame I'm gonna daydream about school.
and his tattoos are an inconsistent mix
♪ Oh, the year's ninth peach is a tough old peach ♪
And here, my dear, is my most celebrated illusion:
♪ And the year's tenth peach is a rotten peach ♪
one of the most promising young magicians I have ever seen:
♪ Now the year's fifth peach is a fuzzy peach ♪
I'm upset.
I was pretty nervous when you were in that milk can.
Ooh, authentic American folk music,
Help! I'm trapped in an alternate dimension--
♪ Oh, the year's ninth peach is a tough old peach ♪