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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
right here in the finest sanatorium money can buy.
We have a code word. Um, is it "oink"?
You don't want to get rid of this fake barf?
Of course, there is the luau option.
You were imagining a clinic full of mayonnaise doctors,
Ooh! Damn that Lloyd. He's borne a grudge
How many opioid would you like?
that has three vowel in a row.
Time for a riff of joy.
Why did I wear Mother's blouse today?
are covered in barbeque sauce.
But don't worry, I'll have your swine taken care of
I threw out my autograph book!
was about reducing the carbon footprint
but my saxophone no longer gives me joy.
a pop-up thermometer in him, just in case.
Should we slice him diagonally or just cut off the crust?
My joy's returned, but my sax is gone.
I, uh, know what it's like to have true love thwart.
So, I get the ball and I pivot to first...
(scoffs) Thanks. I'm all cheer up.
Wow, Homie. Spilled gravy
Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH
This remind me of a golden moment
You've stolen my therapy animal.
Sounds like Homer, but smell like truffles.
Our Lloyd's of London policy exclude the hounds.
before the old man realize what's what.
I threw out my autograph book!
I bet you didn't even know it was called a wallow.
(groans) Please, just promise
You were imagining a clinic full of mayonnaise doctors,
This pencil sharpener shape like a nose?
I'm so sorry, Dad! Accidents happen.
Ooh! Damn that Lloyd. He's borne a grudge
He'll be fine. This place seem even nicer than the Mayo Clinic.
Oh, you fakers disgust me!
Should we slice him diagonally or just cut off the crust?
He'll be like me-- you'll barely see him.
Basically, it was when you were born.
From this day hence, this beautiful creature
I certainly did! Then tell me what it's called.
I finally feel about my sax...
but my pig has to stay outside, like a common snowman?
Wow. This actually is making me smarter.
Uh, sir, I'm kind of worried about a lawsuit.
you had gone this far.
Let's put our heads together.
Nyeh! No one ever thanked me
It's always been curly.
How hard can it be to clean up after a pig?
To a less secure man, being mistaken for a pig
I could never strangle a boy...
And I worry you drink too much beer.
Uh? Holding this, I feel only hours of tedious practice.
Yeah, they are pretty lax here. That's right.
Here's your prescription for medicinal marijuana.
Uh, yeah, I'm really anxious, Doc.
We are preempting these lame-o school announcements
with my beloved, ruthless papa.
Comedy can be so surprising.
so I'm gonna be very selective with his new owner.
I am grateful beyond words.
You don't want to get rid of this fake barf?
You don't want to get rid of this fake barf?
Aw, that is really, really sad.
The kids working in overseas factories
It's okay. It's... I know.
Students must bring two pencils and a quiet lunch.
on my permanent record, and I get to bring a pig to work.
(gasps) You know his secret identity?
And your older, smart brother is going to help you.