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Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz, Terry Crews
Ya cuck. - You're the cuck, snowflake!
- So a guy got stabbed at 3rd and Union.
I MacGyvered the donk out of this thing,
They got into a meatball fight at breakfast.
- These two bozo screwed up a three-month operation.
- 210. Purrs like a puma in heat.
They win. The bullpen is theirs.
to get to the Golden Gang bank robber.
I had a Frisbee in the trunk, and I taped it on.
You know what that means. I got 3rd Street bagel!
Ya cuck. - You're the cuck, snowflake!
from your shootout with the Canarsie Killer?
all the way down to his favorite fro-yo flavor--
that they repress basic emotions.
- I know what's happening. I'm finally hydrate,
Shattered his ankle. Foot's all floppy.
- Good. Go on. - It grate my cheese.
- No, and if you tell anyone, I'll slit your throat.
- So a guy got stab at 3rd and Union.
when you apologize to each other.
I swear, I would rather drink ginger ale, Rosa.
What is going on with you? - Oh, Amy freak out
- Due to its absence, I borrow Amy's favorite pen,
Also, I spike your gum with caffeine.
- It does if it's lace with caffeine.
- These two bozos screw up a three-month operation.
- Cool idea, but is it the best move tactically?
'cause you are sharpening that knife very intensely.
God, I'm gonna make a great dad someday.
- I know. She's literally my hero.
- Sounds good. We will definitely stop...
- Dope. - Dope indeed.
but certainly she'll be upset.
- I know what's happening. I'm finally hydrated,
- Cooperation instead of punishment.
- Yeah, we're super non-competitive.
He went outside. - Feels like a setup.
- Almost looked like your fingers were actually touching.
but stayed inside to trick us.
- I don't think water makes you jittery.
- I don't think she'll be disrespectful,
- Well, Hawkins is more enraged than ever.
It just seemed cool to work for a badass woman
- Yeah, I got a supercharged R1. - Engine?
I can't believe you lost my pen. That was careless and rude!
Amy's, like, physically incapable of being mad at you.
Okay, well, it makes me feel pretty annoyed.
Anyways, I could talk about my steel horse all darn day.
They're undercover cops.
I've always wanted to work in a covert facility.
Vague and interesting.
Unrelated question: Is it true