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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
Can't you see we're busy hockin' loog?
Can't you see we're busy hockin' loogs?
at America's favorite drop-- the gumdrop!
Oh, sweet Meerschaum,
with crème anglaise for two.
with Maggie, only better because we're dudes with 'tude!
When Maggie's nightlight goes out,
The boogeyman's going to eat my brain!
her onesie becomes a funsie.
My snout,
Do I smell tarragon-crusted Atlantic salmon?
A garage stuffed to the rafter with illegal fireworks!
Headshot! Headshot!
but you've never interfer with my reproductive freedom.
Shinnied down a drainpipe.
Oh, look how the snow glisten on the tiniest branches.
Do I smell tarragon-crust Atlantic salmon?
Because you envy us.
who leaves whenever people beg him not to leave.
about brothers, and you ruin it.
...and murder and swear and brains and basements
Mm-hmm, and swivel that till you hear a grinding noise.
A branch must have knock out the power lines.
You deserve a brother, Bart.
the way my Mom nearly trick Charles Barkley.
- They didn't? - We quit.
Oh, for crying out loud!
They don't call it "Virgin" Airlines anymore.
Bart was having a perfectly nice dream
who leaves whenever people beg him not to leave.
Shop it somewhere else, sister.
I definitely said, "Take it, Tom."
all parents eventually commit the heinous act of love.
How could you possibly need all these clothes?
Go ahead, leave.
the way my Mom nearly tricked Charles Barkley.
don't go straight for the eye.
Maybe you could trick your parents into making a baby
especially 'cause I thought
The Yawning Monkey? The Pair Of Tongs?
all parents eventually commit the heinous act of love.
of a succulent substance called gelatin.
This announcer has never seen diapers so dap.
What a smart way to spend a snowy day.
You're just jealous 'cause now I've got what you've got
of lame-o girls?
and the insane asylum have their annual mixer.
I don't know why they say you're the dumb guy, Tom.
That mean boy took me to a scary movie
but you've never interfered with my reproductive freedom.
on the magical day when the prison
Then get rid of the pills.